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International Yoga Day
24th June 2024: International Yoga Day


Unite, connect and thrive, one breath at a time 

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, our students and teachers embraced the zen flow on June 21, 2024, with a variety of asanas, finding harmony between mind and body. Together on the mat, they ignited their inner light, elevated their spirits, and engaged in the journey of well-being.  
A guided meditation and yoga session was organized to promote relaxation and reduce stress. A host of activities were organised to boost engagement and encourage future participation. A quiz on yoga was also conducted to instill the significance of healthy lifestyle in students. Yoga teachers led sessions for both students and teachers, focusing on basic yoga postures and breathing exercises. The session ended with a few minutes of silent meditation.
The day, characterized by a calm atmosphere, was a tremendous success. Participants enthusiastically took part in the yoga session and physical activities. The session not only raised awareness about the benefits of yoga but also offered individuals the opportunity to experience its positive effects firsthand.
Ms Sudha Sadangi, the Head of School, emphasised the importance of incorporating yoga in our busy and harried lifestyles. She encouraged everyone, be it a novice or a seasoned practitioner, to rely on yoga-lutions in their daily drill.



ShreeRam World School organised Mock Elections on 13 May 2024 to celebrate the democracy in our country. It gave students an opportunity to experience and understand the Indian Democratic System, and engage in discussions about the importance of active citizenship and participation in governance. In our democracy, the power to shape the future lies in the hands of the people. Participating in elections is not only a right but also a responsibility. Our students got a chance to experience the electoral process, which helped in promoting awareness, critical thinking, and civic engagement among our student body.
The mock elections provided a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions about key issues, understand the democratic values of fairness and accountability, and recognize the diversity of opinions and perspectives within the school community. It allowed students to recognize the power of their voices and the impact of their collective choices.
During the event, students of classes IX-XII got  the opportunity to play the roles of candidates, campaigners, voters, and election officials. Each class represented a distinct constituency and candidates got the chance to engage in healthy debate. Voting booths were set up, and the entire process mirrored  the procedures of a real election.
It was truly a stimulating and interactive experience for students where students learnt to uphold the values of fairness, mutual respect, and responsible citizenship.

Special Assembly: Mother's Day (Class V)

Special Assembly: Mother's Day (Class V)
10th May 2024: Special Assembly: Mother's Day (Class V)

The 'Mother's Day Assembly' was a heart-warming event where the students of classes VC and VD showcased their love and appreciation for mothers around the world through various performances. The assembly began with a touching introduction highlighting the importance of mothers in our lives. Following the introduction, students performed a skit that beautifully portrayed the unconditional love and sacrifices made by mothers. The students also showcased mesmerizing dance performances that further captured the essence of maternal love. The graceful movements and emotive expressions of the dancers left a lasting impact on everyone present followed by soulful singing, all dedicated to mothers. The assembly was enjoyed by everyone making them feel the love and warmth that filled the air. The Head of School Ma'am praised the students for their heartfelt performances and the effort they put into making the assembly memorable. It was truly a touching and memorable celebration of motherhood.  

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Special Assembly : Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti

Special Assembly : Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti
08th May 2024: Special Assembly : Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti
"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf." - Rabindranath Tagore
On the occasion of Rabindranath Tagore's Jayanti, a dynamic celebration of Tagore's life and literary works was held. Students of class IX C paid homage to the legendary poet and Nobel Laureate, and his enduring influence on Indian culture which resonates deeply with hearts across generations. The assembly featured recital of Tagore’s famous poem ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’, performance of his play from his teenage years, ‘An Old Beggar’, and a vibrant rendition of a traditional song. The hearts of young minds were filled with reverence for the poet and their minds ignited with the flame of inspiration.
The Head of School, Ms Sudha Sadangi, encouraged students to read Tagore’s works and draw inspiration from his timeless creations and insights.

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Dedication rewarded
06th May 2024: Dedication rewarded

Belief in oneself, coupled with dedication, pride, and unwavering perseverance, paves the path to victory.
We are delighted to announce that Yogita Raman Sharma, a sixth-grade student, secured the Second Position in the event 'Kavyanjali' (Hindi Poem Recitation Competition) held at the Annual Inter-school Event, 'Spardha,' hosted by Adarsh World School on May 4, 2024. ShreeRam World School extends heartfelt congratulations to both the mentor and the winner and wishes Yogita continued success in all her future endeavors.

Career Counselling Workshop 2024

Career Counselling Workshop 2024
03rd May 2024: Career Counselling Workshop 2024

A career counselling session on subject choices and career scopes was hosted by ShreeRam World School for the students of class X to XII. It was conducted on Friday, 3rd May 2024. The resource person for the session was Ms Shraddha Pankaj, a Freelance Career Coach and Teacher Trainer. She began with highlighting the ever-evolving scopes for the new generation. The comprehensive session offered valuable insights into the personal growth of the students. Every stream i.e. Science, Commerce and Humanities was talked upon highlighting both its familiar and unfamiliar courses. The importance of continuous learning and adaptability in today’s dynamic job market was also highlighted. Students also enquired about various professions and colleges offering their course of interest. The session ended with all students’ being highly motivated to work towards a better career path.


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Special Assembly on Labour Day

Special Assembly on Labour Day

Special Assembly on Labour Day
02nd May 2024: Special Assembly on Labour Day

“No work is insignificant. All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance.” ~ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

The month of May started with a special assembly on Labour Day. Students of classes VI C and VI D enlightened everyone about the contributions of labourers to our society and their significant role in the growing economy. An effective speech followed by a skit and dance performance showcased the hard work and determination of labourers. A song was also presented through which they highlighted the importance of these unsung supporting heroes of our lives.The assembly revolved around the theme of hope, optimism, progress, love and togetherness to create a better world to live. Each student participated exuberantly and passionately. At the end, the Head of School, Ms Sudha Sadangi, appreciated the students and emphasised that no work is insignificant. She praised the students for their efforts in making the program a success.

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Earth Day - Planet vs.Plastics(Class II Pelican)

Earth Day - Planet vs.Plastics(Class II Pelican)
22nd April 2024: Earth Day - Planet vs.Plastics(Class II Pelican)
“Our continuing efforts in our everyday lives will make this beautiful planet thrive.”
Earth Day is proof that even one person can make a global impact in a positive way. Echoing the same Class II Pelican celebrated EARTH DAY by conducting a special assembly in the school premises. The students were reminded of simple doable actions which can help our Mother Earth to be a better place. A soulful dance performance dedicated to our blue planet was organized. The children were made aware that ‘EACH DAY IS EARTH DAY’ and the purpose of celebrating Earth Day is to keep our grass green and our sky blue with more trees and less pollution.  At the end, HOS Ma’am discussed the hazardous effect of the usage of plastic with the students and emphasised on how important it is to do small things each day to protect our environment.

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Earth Day – Planet vs Plastics (Class V)

Earth Day – Planet vs Plastics (Class V)

Earth Day – Planet vs Plastics (Class V)
22nd April 2024: Earth Day – Planet vs Plastics (Class V)
"There's No Planet B: Go Green!"
A week-long celebration of Earth Day in the school began with a range of activities like making paper bags,  recycling and crafting amazing bird feeders using waste materials, paint and reuse plastic bottles and decor pebbles. The activities were organized to sensitize students about the importance of conserving natural resources and motivate them to contribute towards protecting their environment.  
As part of the Earth Day celebrations, a special assembly was conducted by classes V-A and V-E, beginning with a morning prayer. The young choir sang a soulful and melodious song dedicated to Mother Earth which was followed by a thought-provoking dance-drama that conveyed a special message about soil pollution, conservation and how all of us can make a difference by making small adjustments in our daily rituals & habits. Students took a pledge to preserve this precious planet by reducing the Carbon Footprint. The global theme for this year’s Earth Day, “Planet vs Plastics,” was given special emphasis by a group of students who conveyed a strong message about the little ways by which we can take care of our Earth. The day ended with a message from our Head of School, Ms.Sudha Sadangi, wherein she enlightened the students about the significance of celebrating Earth Day.

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Creating tidal waves of success

Creating tidal waves of success

Creating tidal waves of success
22nd April 2024: Creating tidal waves of success

Our judo stars dominated the mats at the 39th Delhi State Judo Championships, held at I.G. Complex, K. D. Jadhav Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. Tanishq Solanki of class V stole the show with a gold medal. Bhaskar Sharma of class XII snagged the bronze medal and Kuldeep Singh of class VIII locked in the silver medal. Heartiest congratulations to them! What a trifecta of triumph! 

Capacity Building Program for Question Formulation Techniques

Capacity Building Program for Question Formulation Techniques

Capacity Building Program for Question Formulation Techniques
20th April 2024: Capacity Building Program for Question Formulation Techniques

In response to the evolving landscape of education, CBSE conducted a Capacity Building Program at ShreeRam World School on Competency Based Assessment (Secondary Level) - Mathematics on Friday and Saturday, April 19th-20th, 2024. The program focussed on equipping teachers with the art and science of crafting engaging and thought-provoking questions. Spanning over two days, it aimed to empower educators with the essential skills needed to stimulate critical thinking, foster curiosity and enhance student engagement within the classroom.
Ms Ishita Mukherjee, the senior resource person (CBSE and FDRC) for capacity building in Mathematics (primary, upper primary and secondary) and gender sensitivity was invited to share the insights and experiences, inspiring participants to embrace new perspectives and strive for excellence. 

Mr. Rahul Sofat, a Mathematics lecturer at Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, New Delhi and the recipient of CBSE National Teachers Award, graced the programme  with a diverse range of interactive ideas tailored to address the evolving needs of the school community.
The programme helped in critical understanding of the formulation of Multiple Choice Questions, Free Response Questions and Case-based Questions in a manner that these questions act as tools to identify misconceptions, foster creativity and play the role of Assessment FOR learning. From motivational conversation to hands-on activities, a two-day session was carefully curated to stimulate creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The culmination of the Capacity Building Programme marked not just the end of an event but the beginning of a journey towards continuous growth and excellence. 

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Mukhyamantri Vigyan Pratibha Pariksha (MVPP)
15th April 2024: Mukhyamantri Vigyan Pratibha Pariksha (MVPP)
Sanyam Arya of class X B has qualified for the Mukhyamantri Vigyan Pratibha Pariksha (MVPP) which was conducted on 10.12.2023. MVPP is a scholarship exam conducted by the Directorate of Education. It is a very competitive exam and tests a student's analytical ability, grasping power, awareness and speed.
Sanyam will receive a certificate and a reward of Rs. 5000.
Heartiest congratulations!

Victorious Artists shining bright
12th April 2024: Victorious Artists shining bright
Every artist was first an amateur." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We're overjoyed to announce the victorious artists of the Camel Art Contest across diverse age categories. Their extraordinary creations have earned them a well-deserved place in the upcoming phase of the competition. The budding artists cum winners are: Ruhana, Jannat Kaur, Annika Rana, Ekarshi, Shreyank Ganguly, Reyaansh Paul, Rishika Rudra, Bhumika, Shashwat, Arohi Arora, Ayan Singh, Ansjika Saxena, Viraaj Dhar, Kritika Das and Aashi Rajput. Heartfelt Congratulations to all the winners, and may the artistic journey continue to shine bright. Persist in your efforts to glorify ShreeRam through your remarkable achievements!



Eid is a time of hope and grace.
To mark the end of Ramadan, a special assembly on ‘Id-Ul-Fitr’ was organised by the students of Class VI with a lot of zest and fanfare. The celebration was an earnest attempt to embrace the values of compassion, understanding and respect. The students were made cognizant of the fact that it is a festival of prayers, joy, brotherhood and charity.
From lively dances to heartfelt recitations of Eid prayers, each presentation captured the essence of Eid and its significance.The celebration was concluded by a solemn prayer to the Almighty seeking for a safe and a better world to live in harmony. By embracing diversity, the school community exemplified the values of empathy and respect that lie at the heart of this auspicious occasion.
Head Of School, Ms Sudha Sadangi encouraged the students to follow and celebrate all the religions and traditions. 

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On 8th April 2024, the school celebrated World Health Day to highlight the significance of good health and well-being for all. It was a unique experience to come together to promote actions that can improve our health—through a skit, song and rhythmic yoga performed by the students of class XII. It underscored that everyone, everywhere should have access to essential health services without facing financial hardship. 
The special assembly began with a prayer and thought stating the importance of being healthy inside and outside. To add variety to the assembly students incorporated a myriad of artistic expressions. A mesmerizing music performance ‘ROAR’ by one of the students along with her harmony singers captivated the audience, further reinforcing the theme of the day. The trifecta of physical, social and mental health is what captured everyone’s attention. The celebration incorporated elements of mindfulness and well-being through rhythmic yoga, the tour de force of the special assembly, promoting actions that can enhance individual health and vitality. Furthermore, the event featured a quiz section for the audience to heighten awareness of health-related topics. This interactive segment injected enthusiasm in the students and helped them gauge their knowledge in health and well-being.
Our respected Head of School, Ms Sudha Sadangi, delivered insightful remarks and encouraged everyone to embrace a path of wellness in daily life. 

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An educational day trip saw the students of class XI in patriotic spirit on 5 April 2024, as they ventured to the hallowed grounds of the National War Memorial and India Gate. 
The riveting journey began with inordinate enthusiasm and vigour. Students explored the landmarks, awed by the grandeur of India Gate and solemn atmosphere of the War Memorial. Hearts swelled with pride and reverence in the embrace of these places, saluting the valour of the soldiers of the Indian Armed Forces. 
Amidst the shifting skies, from somber clouds to bright sunshine, students along with the teachers basked in the glory of the day under the canopy of trees. Sitting down to share meals, playing games with one another and striking poses for the pictures were the light moments. 
Children returned from their trip with beaming smiles on their faces, filled with delight and wonderment. The visit left an indelible imprint on them, inspiring a newfound respect and appreciation for their nation's past. 

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Embracing the Magic of New Beginnings: Celebrating 10 Years of ShreeRam World School

Embracing the Magic of New Beginnings: Celebrating 10 Years of ShreeRam World School

Embracing the Magic of New Beginnings: Celebrating 10 Years of ShreeRam World School
01st April 2024: Embracing the Magic of New Beginnings: Celebrating 10 Years of ShreeRam World School

To mark the commencement of a new academic session and commemorate the milestone of 10 years of ShreeRam World School, the students of class X presented a special assembly on Monday, 1 April 2024, filled with reverence, reflection, and celebration.The assembly commenced with a soulful invocation to the goddess Saraswati, seeking her blessings for academic prowess and enlightenment. Following this, a poignant tribute unfolded, acknowledging the school's remarkable evolution over the past decade. After the invocation, a mesmerising dance performance unfolded, embodying the transformative influence of the school on the students. The highlight of the assembly was a heartfelt, self-composed poem that eloquently articulated the importance of the school in nurturing young minds and fostering excellence. 
Ms Sudha Sadangi, the esteemed Head of School, took center stage to impart her invaluable words of wisdom. With a blend of nostalgia and anticipation, she reflected on the school's journey and offered profound insights into the essence of new beginnings. 



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Interhouse Rangoli Competition
27th March 2024: Interhouse Rangoli Competition

ShreeRam World School organised an Interhouse Rangoli Competition which served as an art-integrated activity for Mathematics. Students created different patterns and vibrant designs for their rangoli. The students of class X and XII participated, with 5 members from each house. The first position was secured by two houses Nalanda and Alexandria, third by Takshila and fourth position by Pisa house.

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Cultural Fest and Annual Prize Distribution

Cultural Fest and Annual Prize Distribution
21st February 2024: Cultural Fest and Annual Prize Distribution

The Cultural Fest and Annual Prize Distribution for Classes Preschool to II was held on Wednesday, 21 February 2024. The event saw the presence of Mr. Anil Sachdeva, Vice-Chairman, ShreeRam World School. The school invited the parents to the function which began at 11:00 AM. The event started with lighting of the lamp by our Chief Guest followed by Invocation by the students of Class II. The Head of School, Ms. Sudha Sadangi gave the inaugural speech which was followed by the Prize Distribution ceremony. The hardworking children of classes PS to II were felicitated by Mr. Anil Sachdeva Sir in various categories like All Rounder, Excellence in Academics, Sports, Yoga, Oratory Skills, etc. Aikyam means unity, highlighting the world’s major powers with a mix of diverse cultures joining hands along the path of solidarity and progress promoting education, technology, health and sustainable living. The event further proceeded with the cultural part where students showcased the dance forms of various G 20 countries like Australia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Africa, China, Japan etc. who are playing a pivotal role in shaping our future. The event concluded with the Grand Finale by the children of all classes where India’s popularity and power was projected in the global gaze. The Vote of Thanks was given by the students of Class III and the event culminated with the National Anthem.

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Special Assembly: Pollution

Special Assembly: Pollution
19th February 2024: Special Assembly: Pollution

"Wipe out pollution before it wipes you out".

In the midst of the rise in the air pollution levels in the city, a special Assembly by classes III C & IV C on the theme - Pollution was organised on February 19, 2024, to sensitise the students on the harmful effects of pollution. The students spoke on various types of pollution and what all steps can be taken to preserve the environment. A heart touching message by Mother Earth was shown on the stage which demonstrated the side effects of humans trying to modify nature for their own selfish needs. An informative and entertaining presentation through dance and a Rap Song showcased the causes, consequences and ways to control the pollution that has engulfed us.

The assembly concluded with the students sensitising the audience that even a tiny endeavor would go a long way in saving the humankind from this deadly problem of pollution. A pledge was taken by all the students to value the generosity of Mother Earth and to create awareness to keep the Earth clean and green.


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‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands

‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands

‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands
16th February 2024: ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands

‘Escape the ordinary and explore the extraordinary in Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands.’

The ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ Programme was conceptualized by the Government of India with the idea of a sustained and structured cultural connect between people of different regions.

To promote tourism in India and create awareness among the students, the little explorers of Class III-A and Class III-B conducted an enchanting special assembly on the topic, ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’: ‘Our Exotic Islands’

The students performed a beautiful act describing the beauty of the islands. It talked about the pristine beaches with crystal-clear turquoise waters. They also highlighted the ‘agriculture, forestry and fishing’ as the primary occupation of these islands. This was followed by a melodious choir singing appreciating the natural wonders of Lakshawdeep Island. The mesmerizing dance performance of the students depicted the distinct culture of the tribes.

The Head of School, Ms Sudha Sadangi applauded the students for their efforts to promote the enthralling visual beauty and experience of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands. The assembly concluded with a calm meditation session visualizing the serene beauty of the beaches.

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Basant Panchami Celebrations

Basant Panchami Celebrations
14th February 2024: Basant Panchami Celebrations

The festival of Basant Panchami welcomes the onset of spring season and is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati.Goddess Saraswati is the epitome of knowledge, music, learning and art. It is believed that without her blessings, the world would be shrouded in ignorance, as she represents enlightenment. The festival of Basant Panchami was celebrated with much devotion in ShreeRam World School on 14th February 2024. The special assembly was organized by the little angels of III-D,III-E and III-F to seek the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.

The celebration commenced with a graceful rendition of Saraswati Vandana prayer. The students performed a magnificent act depicting the significance of objects held by Goddess Saraswati in her hands. It beautifully embodied the values connected to all the elements (vastra, hansa, kamal, veena, mala, pustaka) thus, establishing the goddess as the symbol of ultimate truth. This was followed by a melodious recitation of the shloka ‘Ya Kundendu Tushara Hara Dhawala’. The divine performance of the students showed the benefits of yoga and meditation to bring self-control and peace within oneself. The children and their yellow attires enhanced the festive spirit.

The Head of School, Ms Sudha Sadangi wished everyone happy Basant Panchami and highlighted the importance of virtues and teachings of the Goddess of learning in a student’s life.

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07th February 2024: JUNIOR OLYMPICS 2024
It is with great joy and pride that we announce our triumph at the Junior Olympics, where we proudly lifted the Championship Trophy. Hosted by Junior Sports India at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the Junior Olympic Games  featured an array of events, including tug of war, relay race, fun race, 100 m race, 200 m race, and hurdle race. 27 students soared to gold, 17 to silver, and 8 to bronze, epitomizing the spirit of excellence and dedication in sports. Yogeshwar Dutt,an Indian Olympic winner in wrestling put an appearance which delighted everyone. Students interacted with him and returned with happy and motivated hearts. It was one of the highlights of the event which lifted the spirits of the budding athletes.
Heartiest congratulations to the champions on their impressive success!

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29th January 2024: KEEPING AT IT, LIKE A STAR

We are delighted to announce that Bhaskar Sharma, a student of class XI C, has secured a silver medal in Kurash Junior National Championship held in Ganganagar, Rajasthan! Heartiest congratulations to him on this remarkable achievement. Here's to hoping his winning streak continues to shine brightly.

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try
28th January 2024: Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try
Skating is a sport, an art form, a lifestyle, and a culture. Skating is the perfect way to combine fitness with fun. It is a sport that everyone enjoys at all ages. A Skating Competition was held on Sunday, 28 January, 2024 for the students of  various schools at Rashtra Shakti Vidyalaya Hastsal, Uttam Nagar organised by Delhi Sports Academy. Our students showcased an energetic and enthusiastic performance which was applauded by the audience. SRWSians marked the history by winning various medals in the competition and winner trophy for our school.
Heartiest congratulations to our talented students!

Astroport Sariska: An Expedition to Remember

Astroport Sariska: An Expedition to Remember
25th January 2024: Astroport Sariska: An Expedition to Remember
Astroport Sariska was nothing short of a memorable journey filled with excitement, learning, and exploration. The students from classes 8, 9, and 11, embarked on a thrilling adventure accompanied by teachers, and our esteemed Head of School.
The journey commenced with a wonderful bus ride, buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Upon arrival at Astroport Sariska, the students were greeted with a plethora of engaging activities designed to foster teamwork, creativity, and bonding. From thrilling team-building exercises to the enchanting bonfire and cultural program, every moment was infused with joy and laughter.
As night fell, the students were treated to an extraordinary astronomical session under the vast canopy of stars. It was a humbling experience that ignited our curiosity about the wonders of the universe.
The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the exhilarating safari through the rugged terrain of Sariska National Park. With bated breath, the students and teachers embarked on a quest to spot the elusive residents of the wilderness. Our patience was rewarded as we encountered majestic leopards, graceful deer, vibrant peacocks, and a myriad of other fascinating creatures in their natural habitat.
Amidst all the excitement, we were treated to delicious meals that satisfied our appetites and rejuvenated our spirits. 
In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire Astroport Sariska team for making this journey possible.

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Annual Day cum Republic Day Celebration

Annual Day cum Republic Day Celebration

Annual Day cum Republic Day Celebration
22nd January 2024: Annual Day cum Republic Day Celebration
ShreeRam World School recently celebrated its Annual Day and Republic Day with an electrifying blend of patriotism and cultural flair. The event was a testament to the school's commitment to holistic development and fostering a sense of unity among its students and faculty.
The event commenced with the presentation of the school's annual report by the Head of School, Mrs Sudha Sadangi, highlighting the achievements, milestones, and academic progress throughout the year.Following the annual report, the much-anticipated prize distribution ceremony commenced, honoring the exceptional achievements of students in various fields.The cultural segment of the event was a mesmerizing showcase of talent and diversity, with students presenting a kaleidoscope of performances ranging from music and dance to drama and poetry recitations. The highlight of the cultural extravaganza was the rendition of "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu," echoing the school's ethos of promoting peace, harmony, and well-being for all.
Jai Hind!

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12th January 2024: NATIONAL YOUTH DAY
All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. 
This is what Swami Vivekananda had the vision about youth and common man. On 12th January 2023, the students of class VIII-A presented a special assembly on National Youth Day, which is also celebrated as the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The assembly started with a speech about Swami Vivekanada's life, which not only illustrated the life history of him but also threw light on how his teachings are still relevant and inspiring for today's youth. It was followed by a skit that portrayed the teachings of Swamiji through dramatic effects and stellar performance by students. The assembly fostered a new enthusiasm among students to lead a peaceful and progressive life.

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Stellar performance by our stars
22nd December 2023: Stellar performance by our stars

Vaani Aseri of class Pre School has secured 2nd position in the Clay Modelling  event, Darsh Yadav and Kmyra Solanki of class V have secured 1st position in the Marionette event, Aahana Anand and Omkar Dahiya of class VIII and Samaira Batra and Mysha Singh of class VII have secured 2nd position in the Colloquy event, Urshita Manocha and Tavisha Garg of class IX have secured 3rd  position in the Clar Cante event in  Rhapsody Inter School Competition  organised by Bal Bharati Public School.

Special Assembly : National Mathematics Day

Special Assembly : National Mathematics Day
21st December 2023: Special Assembly : National Mathematics Day

On the occasion of National Mathematics Day, the enthusiasm and brilliance of our Class 8 students illuminated the school assembly. The event showcased a blend of mathematical prowess, creativity, and a deep appreciation for the subject. The assembly commenced with an engaging presentation highlighting the life and contributions of the renowned mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, inspiring students with his remarkable journey. This was followed by captivating demonstrations of the role of mathematics in different professions in present times and an interactive session where students showcased their mathematical acumen through brain teasers. The fervor and active participation of the students were palpable as they engaged in sharing interesting facts, and explained mathematical concepts with eloquence and confidence.

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A big achievement for SRWS yet again.
18th December 2023: A big achievement for SRWS yet again.

A round of applause for Varsha of 8D, Judo dynamo of ShreeRam World School , for securing the bronze medal at the prestigious National Sub Junior Judo Championship held at Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kochi.Congratulations Varsha!!Your triumph reflects your tenacity and talent, adding a spark of pride to our school. Keep aiming for the stars and keep shining in your pursuit of further triumphs.  





16th December 2023: SPACE WORKSHOP - MOONWATCH

“Astronomy’s much more fun when you’re not an astronomer.”- Brian May 

For young minds in school, ShreeRam World School and SPACE Organization arranged hands-on workshops. To improve comprehension, facilitate learning, explore new things, and upgrade skills, incredible workshops were organized, providing participants with a whole new way to experience the wonders of the cosmos. The organized workshops aimed to enhance the pupils' comprehension of astronomy, its existence, and its significance in their daily lives. The students were spell-bound after looking at rings of  Saturn,  moons of Jupiter and craters of the Moon. The pupils' increased fervour was satisfying in and of itself. The workshop focused on group discussions and practical tasks, which were enjoyable exercises. The following sessions were conducted: 

1) The Magnified Universe (Classes 1-2): This workshop delivered knowledge about different devices used in different professions. Along with that, students learnt about the lenses and mirrors and the difference between them. Students then came to know about the use of lenses and curved mirrors in telescopes and finally they observed different terrestrial and celestial objects through the telescopes. 

2) Locked Luna (Classes 3-5): This workshop included the understanding of the Moon with its history and different names in different civilizations. They came to know about the different features of the Moon and their respective characteristics. Students also observed the Moon through a telescope and recognized its different features. 

3) Capturing Celestial Objects (Classes 6-10): This workshop included the study of various methods of photography. It introduced the understanding of DSLR camera and how it can be used to capture different celestial objects. The different techniques of astrophotography included terrestrial photography, Lunar photography, focal photography, prime focus photography and planetary photography.


World Tourism Day is celebrated on 27 September each year since 1980.
This World Tourism Day 2023, the UNWTO,  under the theme “Tourism and green investment” highlighted the need for more and better-targeted investments for the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN roadmap for a better world by 2030.
Keeping in view, a workshop was conducted for the students of classes VII and VIII, in which they learned about tourism and its importance. Also, they gained an insight of responsible tourism practices and how they can contribute to Sustainable Development Goals. 

Guru Nanak Jayanti

Guru Nanak Jayanti
24th November 2023: Guru Nanak Jayanti

On Friday, November 24, 2023, the corridors of SRWS were aglow with reverence and festivity as students of Pre School Tiana and Pinocchio came together to commemorate Gurpurab, celebrating the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji. The students were dressed in traditional Sikh attire, gathered to pay homage to the teachings of the Guru Nanak Dev ji. The assembly started with Prabhat Pheri invoking a sense of spirituality and unity. They shared the valuable teachings and principles espoused by Guru Nanak Dev ji, enlightening everyone about the profound essence of the occasion. Langar pratha was displayed which encapsulated the teachings of Sikhism—emphasizing the importance of serving humanity. The highlight of the assembly were the hymns and shabads which were resonated with spiritual fervor. As the assembly came to an end, the primary in-charge, took to the stage, commending the students for their exceptional performances. The assembly illuminated the significance of Gurpurab, guiding us all on a path of compassion, equality, and universal brotherhood.

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The Juniors of SRWS bring laurels.

The Juniors of SRWS bring laurels.
03rd November 2023: The Juniors of SRWS bring laurels.
1. Purvi Arora of class II bagged the First Prize in Craftator organised by Bal Bharti Public School, Kgargaon, Orissa.
2. Anaaysha Baruah of Class Preprimary bagged the Third Prize and Riyana Saha of class II secured the Consolation prize in Colour My World competition organised by Columbia Foundation School, Vikas Puri
3. Saransh Singh Negi of Preschool bagged the Third Prize in Frolicsome Fun Race in Surge 2023, organised by N K Bagrodia School, Dwarka.

Our Badminton Star grabs a Gold medal!
01st November 2023: Our Badminton Star grabs a Gold medal!

Archit Gupta of class XI A won gold medal in boys’ doubles under-19 category in the first Badminton Open tournament organised by A.N.Y. Sports Club. It was held at Sant Sujan Singh Ji International School, New Delhi, on 28-29 October 2023. We are extremely proud of his achievement and dedication. Many congratulations to him! 

Space Workshop : Class I - IX

Space Workshop : Class I - IX
31st October 2023: Space Workshop : Class I - IX

“That’s One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind”.

-Neil Armstrong

ShreeRam World School organized the Hands-On Sessions in association with SPACE Organization for the young minds of Classes I-IX. The sessions were designed to improve knowledge and skill development so that the participants could appreciate the glories of the cosmos in a whole new light. The planned sessions pushed the students to redefine their comprehension of astronomy, its existence and its applicability to their daily lives. The following sessions were conducted:

Magnificent Family of Sun (Classes 3-5): This workshop delivered knowledge about the solar family. It focused on the different planets and their characteristics. Students performed various activities like puzzles of different members of the solar family and arranged them in their sequence.

Window to the Universe (Classes 1-2): In this workshop, students learnt about the phenomenon of Rotation and the Revolution of the Earth and Moon around the Sun. Students performed various hands-on activities as well.

Surface Cartography (Classes 6-10): Students learnt about the basic concept of the creation of topographical maps. They understood the process and science behind the creation of topographical maps.



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Medals Galore—Proud Moment!

Medals Galore—Proud Moment!

Medals Galore—Proud Moment!

Medals Galore—Proud Moment!
29th October 2023: Medals Galore—Proud Moment!


In the CBSE Judo championship held at Bal Bharti Public School, Dwarka, our students  displayed spectacular talent and earned a bag of medals. Bharam Vats of class XII C won a gold medal and Bhaskar Sharma of class XI C won a silver medal in under-17 category with their exceptional performance which has propelled them to the national stage. Their achievements serve as a testament to their persistence, training and hard work. 

Varsha Chawari of class VIII and Kuldeep Singh of class VII secured a third position. 

We are certain our prodigies will continue to make us proud and demonstrate the true spirit of sportsmanship. Heartiest congratulations to everyone! 


Educational trip to the Air Force Museum

Educational trip to the Air Force Museum
27th October 2023: Educational trip to the Air Force Museum
As part of our ongoing process of giving our students an educative experience in the form of educational trips and to encourage the spirit of enthusiasm, students of Class 5 went to the Airforce Museum in Palam, the first ever Aerospace Museum of India which showcases the achievements of Indian Airforce since 1930. The students got exposure to the history of Air Force, the Uniforms, the Flags and Symbols that Airforce used. They also saw exhibits of small and large Air Crafts, War Trophies, Radar equipments and captured enemy vehicles. 
The excursion was a novel learning experience and a great treat for the aviation-enthusiasts amongst our students as they were introduced to the fighter aircrafts and armoury connected with the rich history of the Indian Air force.

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Skill Based Learning

Skill Based Learning
20th October 2023: Skill Based Learning

Vocational education and skill-based learning are the blueprints to a future of endless possibilities. 🛠️📚 As we immerse ourselves in the world of practical knowledge, we pave the way for personal growth and professional success. A workshop on skill-based learning has been conducted for class VIII that has engaged the students by providing them with relevant and practical knowledge.  These invaluable skills are the keys to unlocking a world of opportunities. Let's embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where passions turn into professions and dreams become realities.


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